Industry Discussion

Here are some of the latest news items that we’ve been discussing at Actuarial Solutions:

Latest Discussions

Insurance & Investment Journal: New mortality tables for Canada

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Brighter Life: Is there really such a good thing as debt?

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National Institute on Retirement Security – Attracting and Retaining a Qualified Public Sector Workforce

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National Institute on Retirement Security – The Great Recession: Pressures on Public Pensions, Employment Relations and Reforms

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Willis Towers Watson – Attraction and Retention: What Employees Value Most

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Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services – Public Services for Ontarians: A path to Sustainability and Excellence

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Eckler Consultants & Actuaries – Looking Ahead. Projecting Ontario’s Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund

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C.D. Howe Institute Commentary – A Pension in Every Pot: Better Pensions for More Canadians

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Ontario Government – A Fine Balance – Safe Pensions, Affordable Plans, Fair Rules

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Actuarial Solutions Inc. – The Future of Defined Benefit Pensions in Ontario

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C.D. Howe – A New Option for Retirement Savings: Tax-prepaid Savings Plans

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Report on the Canadian Pension Plan Consultations

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Canadian Institute of Actuaries – Troubled Tomorrows – Task Force on Retirement Savings

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