Industry Discussion

Here are some of the latest news items that we’ve been discussing at Actuarial Solutions:

Latest Discussions

Benefits Canada – OAS Eligibility Reversal Called ‘Unsustainable,’ Out of Sync with Other Countries

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Ministry of Finance – Review of Ontario’s Solvency Funding Framework for Defined Benefit Pension Plans

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C.D. Howe Institute – How Spending Declines with Age, and the Implications for Workplace Pension Plans

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The Canada Pension Plan: Part 1 – Past and Present

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Benefits Canada – CPPIB’s fiscal report reflects long-term challenges for pension funds

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Benefits Canada – CPP Return for Future Retirees Just 2.1% Study

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Fraser Institute – Rates of Return for the Canada Pension Plan

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Benefits Canada – Employers Face Up to $10k for not Complying with ORPP

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The ORPP Divide – Is Plan a ‘Monster’ or an Incentive for Better Pensions?

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Michael Sabia, President and CEO of La Caisse – Getting to Growth

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Fraser Institute – Comparing Costs of the CPP with Public Pension Plans in Ontario

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Technical Bulletin – The Ontario Retirement Pension Plan

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Benefits Canada – Provinces Hold the Keys to CPP Expansion

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Conference Board of Canada: ORPP Cost-Benefit Analysis

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Canadian Securities Administrators – Mutual Fund Fees

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Benefits Canada – The ORPP is Good in theory, bad in practice

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Office of the Chief Actuary – 26th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at December 31, 2012

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