Industry Discussion

Here are some of the latest news items that we’ve been discussing at Actuarial Solutions:

Latest Discussions

MoneySense – What Sears retirees can do about the reduced DB pension

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Benefits Canada – Employers encouraged to focus on the entry, exit points of DC Plans

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Benefits Canada – Actuaries consulting on the future of Canada’s retirement age

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Benefits Canada – Filling the DC Void (July – August 2017)

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Benefits Canada – Shift towards DC approach to health benefits inevitable

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Moody’s Investors Service – Rating Action: Moody’s downgrades Canadian Banks

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Benefits Canada – Bridging the pension gender gap

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Benefits Canada – Can Home Capital ‘plug the gap’ with $2B from HOOPP

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Benefits Canada – Ontario budget touts variable benefits from DC pension plans

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The Globe & Mail – Could the Post Retirement Benefit work for you?

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Canadian Public Pension Leadership Council – The Pensions Canadians Want: The Results of a National Survey

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The Globe & Mail – National index posts record March rise

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The Globe & Mail – CPP changes could leave younger workers footing the bill, report says

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Globe & Mail – The Canadian Press – Ontario targets unethical financial advisers with new industry measures

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Office of the Auditor General – The Province of Ontario’s plan to record a net pension plan asset and related revenue in its Public Accounts

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The Globe & Mail – CPP Enhancements: Understand what’s not changing.

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CAPSA – Guideline No. 4: Pension Plan Governance. Pension Plan Administrator Governance Self-Assessment Questionnaire

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CAPSA – Guideline No. 4: Pension Plan Governance Frequently Asked Questions

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CAPSA – Guideline No. 4: Pension Plan Governance

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Ontario Government – Final Report of the Expert Committee to Consider Financial Advisory and Financial Planning Policy Alternatives

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Benefits Canada – A look at how different countries deal with discount rates in pension plans

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Office of the Chief Actuary – 27th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at December 31, 2015

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C.D. Howe Institute – Assessing the Retirement Income Prospects of Canada’s Future Elderly: A Review of Five Studies.

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Bank of Canada – Lower-for-longer interest rates require adjustments, Governor Poloz says

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